The beginning of 2010 I would like to start by presenting two metaphors:
1. Our mind is like a water. If we don't stir it, if we dont' intervene, don't change it, water will be clean, clear, undisturbed. If we want to change the nature and consistency of water, it becomes more mudded and stirred.
Like our mind during the meditation. Please, leave it like it is, don't control and change it - and the mind will become clear and peaceful.
2. I know one of the chinese strategems: Muddle the water to bring up the fish. It's a confusion technique used in therapy. Sometimes we are so sure about what we want from life and sometimes not. To find a fish - that's mean a problem, we have to make even bigger confusion. Maybe we won't find any fish or maybe we will find fish we didn't expect.
So confusion can be healpful too. Don't you think?
Ad 1. It's visualition used very often by Sogyal Rinpoche. It's help calm me down. ;)
Ad.2. One of the many metaphors used in Brief Stragetic Therapy.