Sogyal Rinpoche said: " When I teach meditation, I often begin by saying:
Bring your mind home. And release. And relax.Quietly sitting, body still, speech silent, mind at peace, let thoughts and emotions, whatever rise, come and go, without clinging to anything.(...) Imagine a man who comes home after a long, hard day's work in the fields, and sinks into his favorite chair in front of the fire. He has been working all day and he knows that he has achieves what he wanted to achieve; there is nothing more to worry about, nothing left unaccomplished, and he can let go completely of all his cares and concerns,
content, simply,
to be.
- create the right inner environment of the mind.
- don't question or doubt whether you are in the "correct" state of not.There is no effort, only rich understanding, wakefullness, and unshakable certainty.
- meditation is not something that you can "do", it is something that has to happen spontaneously, only when we have perfected the practice of meditation
The Posture There is a connection between the posture of the body and the attitude of the mind. Mind and body are interrelated, and meditation arises naturally once your posture and attitude are inspired.
Sit, then, as if you were a mountain, with all the unshakable, steadfast majesty of the mountain. A mountain is completely natural and at ease with itself, however strong the winds that batter it, however thick the dark clouds that swirl around its picks. Sitting like a mountain, let your mind rise and fly and soar.
Keep your back straight, like an arrow, so the
prana - the
inner energy will flow easily through the subtle channels of the body, and your mind will find its true state of rest.
Part 1. (Fragment from Chapter V-"The Tibetan Book of living and Dying".