The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams!
I feel that my live is an example of this sentence. I can present many situations that has reinforced my belief. I wanted to live abroad - I live. I was dreaming to travel through Australia - we come back from one -month trip this january. I imagined to have two jobs - ones when you use "the brain", the other when "the body" is your instrument. Now I become psychologist and fitness instructor. I was dreaming to find a love of my life - I found it! And I haven't stopped dreaming! Very often is unrealistic goals, which in this moment seems unreal. But I believe that one day - also they will come true! I wish you the same! G'day mates!
You incarnate the Australian's myth ^^.
RispondiEliminaThe world as we know is the dream of the Snake ( a sistemic idea, arfter all); your world is a Your dream...
Thanks Achilles, the myhical snake is biting its own tail.
RispondiEliminaAs you said: circularity and feedback are part of sistemic approach, not only to therapy.
See you!