I am descriving this concept in therapeutical background, of course. I think that many of us (psychologists) in our clinical practice doesn't include this aspect in healing process. Autoreference is not only simple observation of our client comunication (verbal and non-verbal). I perceive autoreference as a capacity of being aware of your own observation. This way of perception should new spaces for osservation and new experiences.
In traditional approach we underline the necesity of separation observer (his personality traits, for example) from the reality which hi describe. Mony Elkaim claim that therapist can't separate own personal characteristics from the situation which describe. It seems that there is no escape from this paradox. Therapist experiences a return to his own personal story and to the therapeutic sistem in which this sentiments enhance.
Elkaim proposes : sense and function of personal feelings can become the instruments of analysis and intervention inside of therapeutic sistem.
I'm writing about this because this is so important aspect in clinical practice and I feel a lack of meta autoreference. How to learn to be more autoreferential? Some advises?
G'date mates!
The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams!

Complex problem can have simple solution?
I was wondering how we can solve the complex problem which patients present? Therapy (or counselling) has to take a long term and lead to deep introspection? I don't think so. I get to know better the strategic approach which try to solve complex human problems with simple solution.
Strategic techniques are focus on:
G'day mates!
Strategic techniques are focus on:
- how human system build their problems?
- how these problems are maintained in time
- how we can fight them using brief, strategic techniques and foculized interventiong
G'day mates!
The focus of attention
My last weeks show me that the process of focus of attention is really working. I was thinking intensively what I want, where I want to be and with who. Then I prepare step by step how to achieve this goals. And I put it in action! But the most surprising fact was that when I focussed only my attention and I visualisate me in new situations I start to see exactly the things which I need. I begin to select from the surrunding environment the indispensable resources. The power of now and the way of concetrate your energy on the positive aims bring outcomes. Try it and share your experience with us!!
Map and territory

In last days I'am reading Mony Elkaim book titled: " If you love me, don't love me". It's very well written and interesting book talking about the family and couple therapy (in sistemic approach).
Through many interesting observations I focused on the meaning of the notions: map and territory. Most of us know it as a base of NLP (neurolinguistic programming). This two definition suggest that exist two realities: our subjective, personal perception of the world and objective reality which is out-of our experiences. We can't divide this two prospectives because the objective one practicaly don't exist. How we can walk out and leave our five senses and see the world objectively? Maybe someone know the answer?
I'm agree with Mony Elkaim who suggest to stop using this two notions, because it's mean that we confirm the existence of this two realities. We should talk about construction of the world which is a marker of our psychological map.
G'day Mates! :)
I'm no expert

Yesterday I participated in a seminar with
prof. Carlos Sluzki http://sluzki.com/ (a Modena organizated by ISCRA) who was a director of MRI in the sixties.
We were talking about the conversation during the therapy as a type of new format story.
One of the arguments which touched me was the fact that the psychologist shouldn't be seen as a expert who solves problems. I'm no expert. The experts are the clients, patients who know everything about themselves and their particular situation.
The role of psychologist is to create a good enough conversation, strategic dialogue during which he will be able to know, understand, feel...
one of the story with some actors, drama, scenary, etc. But as we know, every family member construct his own story. There is no true story. There are personal stories built on the base of life experience, mental maps, etc. Using better formate story (as a proposed Sluzki) we are able to understand and help our client.
G'day Mate!
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