Il decalogo della formazione on-line
Il sottoscritto decalogo basa sull'esperienza di Centro di Educazione Aperta e Multimendiale di Varsavia, dove qualche anni fa ho fatto corsi on-line.
Credo che 10 anni d'esperienza nel campo di formazione a distanza permette di creare gli spunti di reflessione che possono servire all'enti di formazione che entrono in questo specifico campo.
Il decalogo della formazione on-line:
1. Unisci formazione on-line con la tradizionale (blended learning).
2. Emfatizza piu' la comunicazione con utenti che l'importanza degli strumenti multimediali.
3. Crea un network sociale tra gli utenti del corso.
4. Specifica i livelli della difficlita' del corso.
5. Crea gli obiettivi SMART - non sovraccarica i materiali.
6. Sii multimediale - crea file audio e video.
7. Pianifica l'attivita' dello studente - costruisci test d'ingresso e d'uscita (automatizza i test).
8. Distingui il processo d'apprendimento da fase di certificazione. Permetti a ripetizione dei test.
9. Monitora il processo d'apprendimento. Nella fase di valutazione crea le domande con risposta libera.
10. Sii elastico.
Per saperne di piu', visita il sito:
A presto,
Invitro Fertilization
Last monday 4th October 2010 R.G. Edwards was awarded by the Nobel Prize 2010 in Medicine of Phisiology "for the development of in vitro fertilization".
How many couples in whole world were/ are gratefull for this scientific achievement.
Every country use the results of Edwards research in own way. Many countries help couple's to take an opportunity of this advantages by creating a special legislation which decrease the cost of treatment. Italy is an example of the country where the infertility/sterility level is quiet high - 2 on 10 couple have problem to have children. The queue in the Hospital in Modena take more the one year ( to do the treatment).
In Poland the question is still unsolved. The goverment is not keen to help the couple's for many reasons: one is the economic question, the second is the ethic problem. Polish Church as a part of Vatican voice, didn't approve the decision of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
We are waiting for the new legislation also in Poland.
Finally more couples can benefit from the scientific achievements in medicine also in procreation field.
I present one story of the couple which ended very well!
We can't also forgot that many other women, couples aren't able to celebrate this moments.
How many couples in whole world were/ are gratefull for this scientific achievement.
Every country use the results of Edwards research in own way. Many countries help couple's to take an opportunity of this advantages by creating a special legislation which decrease the cost of treatment. Italy is an example of the country where the infertility/sterility level is quiet high - 2 on 10 couple have problem to have children. The queue in the Hospital in Modena take more the one year ( to do the treatment).
In Poland the question is still unsolved. The goverment is not keen to help the couple's for many reasons: one is the economic question, the second is the ethic problem. Polish Church as a part of Vatican voice, didn't approve the decision of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
We are waiting for the new legislation also in Poland.
Finally more couples can benefit from the scientific achievements in medicine also in procreation field.
I present one story of the couple which ended very well!
We can't also forgot that many other women, couples aren't able to celebrate this moments.
GOOD: Flashdance (Dirty Version)
I found it on Youtube. It's new way of doing social advertisement.
I like it!
We should be glad we have GOOD clean water....
I found it on Youtube. It's new way of doing social advertisement.
I like it!
We should be glad we have GOOD clean water....
Change - Zmiana
Hello everybody!
I decided to change the goal of my virtual diary. I wrote at the beginning I would like to share my experience as a psychologist.
Four years ago I left Poland and I moved to Italy. I passed very nice time there, I learned a lot, I met nice people, I found there my italian family, but now it's time to come back....
or go forward....
with all my experience I feel I have to come back and share...
Do something more....
2010 is a particular year for Poland - so many things that change us, are happening.
And it will be special for me, for us...
From next post, I will write in polish, to my polish speaking friends....
Mostly about psychology, therapy, everyday life situations.
So let's the journey begin.
Being a patriot
The 10th of April 2010 Poland have lost their president Lech Kaczynski and other 95 Poles who wanted to celebrate the 70. anniversary of II world war tragedy in Katyn.
It's so difficult to describe my feelings and thoughts that came to my mind week ago. It's difficult to describe some kind of sadness and disbelief that the most important intelectualists, politicians, soldiers of General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces, families and staff of the aircraft - died tragically in air accident in Smolensk (close to Katyn in Russia).
This tragical event - show me that We = Poles are really patriots and how we can pool resources in moments of pain and sorrow.
I love Poland and I am proud of being Pole!
Friendship has no age
Do you think that friendship through the generation can exist? The range of age of my friends extend from 18-60. I mean friends with who I maintain contacts, I exchange my ideas, I ask for help and who I help. There are people from different countries, with different life stories and experiences. People who work as a waitresses, therapists, bankers, artists, full time mothers and wifes, lawyers, bank directors, musicians, free lancers, ecc... People who believe/not believe in god, who are wegetarians/love eating fiorentina, who watch stupid american comedies/psycholological thrillers, who are optimists/pesimists.....
Variety is a fortune.
Can this friendship without borders really exist?Wouldn't you like to have wisdom of your old friend and vitality, energy of your teenager friend?
Wouldn't you like to be rich as a lawyer and have peace mind as your buddhist friend?
Wouldn't you like to know how to combine the role of mother and bussiness woman as your friend?
What make this kind of friendship stable in time, increasing and still existing?
Few days ago I read a polish post about procrastination. (http://blog.sukceskobiety.pl/).
I found it very interesting. So I present here some notes:
- Procrastination very often isn't an effect of laziness
- With regards to D. Waitley statements -by postponing some activities we protect our self-esteem and indipendency. We delay realization of some tasks not to suffer
- Procrastination can be some form of defence from suffering, but a short-term defence
- Do you procrastinate .....
- for fear of failure
- for fear of imperfection
- for fear of unrealistic expectations
- foe fear of success
- to present your aversion to power and authority
- and others...
When you delay to do something, you say "I will do it tomorrow" or "I will do it someday"?
, first emotion which appear is fear or anger?
How your procrastination looks like?
The beginning of 2010 I would like to start by presenting two metaphors:
1. Our mind is like a water. If we don't stir it, if we dont' intervene, don't change it, water will be clean, clear, undisturbed. If we want to change the nature and consistency of water, it becomes more mudded and stirred.
Like our mind during the meditation. Please, leave it like it is, don't control and change it - and the mind will become clear and peaceful.
2. I know one of the chinese strategems: Muddle the water to bring up the fish. It's a confusion technique used in therapy. Sometimes we are so sure about what we want from life and sometimes not. To find a fish - that's mean a problem, we have to make even bigger confusion. Maybe we won't find any fish or maybe we will find fish we didn't expect.
So confusion can be healpful too. Don't you think?
Ad 1. It's visualition used very often by Sogyal Rinpoche. It's help calm me down. ;)
Ad.2. One of the many metaphors used in Brief Stragetic Therapy.
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