Few days ago I read a polish post about procrastination. (http://blog.sukceskobiety.pl/).
I found it very interesting. So I present here some notes:
- Procrastination very often isn't an effect of laziness
- With regards to D. Waitley statements -by postponing some activities we protect our self-esteem and indipendency. We delay realization of some tasks not to suffer
- Procrastination can be some form of defence from suffering, but a short-term defence
- Do you procrastinate .....
- for fear of failure
- for fear of imperfection
- for fear of unrealistic expectations
- foe fear of success
- to present your aversion to power and authority
- and others...
When you delay to do something, you say "I will do it tomorrow" or "I will do it someday"?
, first emotion which appear is fear or anger?
How your procrastination looks like?
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