
Friendship has no age

Do you think that friendship through the generation can exist? The range of age of my friends extend from 18-60. I mean friends with who I maintain contacts, I exchange my ideas, I ask for help and who I help. There are people from different countries, with different life stories and experiences. People who work as a waitresses, therapists, bankers, artists, full time mothers and wifes, lawyers, bank directors, musicians, free lancers, ecc... People who believe/not believe in god, who are wegetarians/love eating fiorentina, who watch stupid american comedies/psycholological thrillers, who are optimists/pesimists.....

Variety is a fortune.

Can this friendship without borders really exist?
Wouldn't you like to have wisdom of your old friend and vitality, energy of your teenager friend?
Wouldn't you like to be rich as a lawyer and have peace mind as your buddhist friend?
Wouldn't you like to know how to combine the role of mother and bussiness woman as your friend?

What make this kind of friendship stable in time, increasing and still existing?




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