
Invitro Fertilization

Last monday 4th October 2010 R.G. Edwards was awarded by the Nobel Prize 2010 in Medicine of Phisiology "for the development of in vitro fertilization".

How many couples in whole world were/ are gratefull for this scientific achievement.
Every country use the results of Edwards research in own way. Many countries help couple's to take an opportunity of this advantages by creating a special legislation which decrease the cost of treatment. Italy is an example of the country where the infertility/sterility level is quiet high - 2 on 10 couple have problem to have children. The queue in the Hospital in Modena take more the one year ( to do the treatment).
In Poland the question is still unsolved. The goverment is not keen to help the couple's for many reasons: one is the economic question, the second is the ethic problem. Polish Church as a part of Vatican voice, didn't approve the decision of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

We are waiting for the new legislation also in Poland.

Finally more couples can benefit from the scientific achievements in medicine also in procreation field.
I present one story of the couple which ended very well!
We can't also forgot that many other women, couples aren't able to celebrate this moments.

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